Willkommen bei Multidekor
Multidekors Kunden über uns:
Attention to needs and wishes by the client, nice service, quality of performance and respect to deadlines is very important for us, therefore we recommend MULTIDEKOR as a reliable partner who performs its duties professionally…
Considering Multidekor’s outstanding performance we hereby recommend this company as a decorative elements and illumination’s professional partner…
MULTIDEKOR is cooperating with owned by the company Mall of Sofia in Sofia, since 2013. Until now, all deliveries and assembly of Christmas decorations, were performed very well, in a short period of time and according to all European standards…
Christmas decorations in their entirety is very positive for our visitors and tenants of Erlangen Arcaden. We have received very good response on Facebook and Instagram. The decoration of Multidekor underlines as planned and expected the positive mood of the people…